Welcome to Carbon Catapult

Intu Veritas have an enviable reputation Globally for the support and delivery we provide in carbon, sustainability and environmental management

We support a larger portfolio of carbon, energy and environmental standards implementation than any other consultancy with our Global reach.

Our ethos is simple, we support, engage and drive positive change for our Planet in partnership with our clients. We are driving sustainability evolution with companies across single & multiple locations ensuring that we can together make the changes necessary that our World desperately needs.

Future proof our planet

Every company, in every country, on every continent across the world needs to future plan for our planet. We need to minimise & mitigate our impact on our world and take positive action to reduce our emissions and carbon footprint whilst driving continual improvement in sustainability and working towards Net Zero.

The whole world is thinking about climate change and how it can affect us and our future generations to come. What we do collectively now, is vital.

Climate change

Climate change is one of the largest impacts facing companies, our natural eco systems, agriculture and our society today.

Legislation is forcing organizations to take ownership of their carbon emissions, their operations and impact, and to demonstrate their commitment to decarbonization and Net Zero.

No place for Greenwashing

Greenwashing has no place in our race to save our planet and the emphasis for independent verification and validation is paramount.

Organizations are falling further under scrutiny to demonstrate a clear strategy and pathway to reduce carbon emissions and how they are progressing their journey to net zero. This includes how they consider their business operations, supply chain, travel, buildings, energy consumption and more.

How can we support you?

Imagine what your organization could achieve with our Carbon Catapult team if we combine the standards and support that are right for you and your business

Driving your commitment, your efforts and continual improvement towards decarbonization. Delivering confidence to you and your stakeholders in your ability to realize Net Zero with objective and evidencable independent certification and third party verification both nationally and internationally. One complete carbon management solution.

ISO 14001 (EMS)
Environmental Management System
ISO 14001 (EMS)

ISO 50001 (EnMS)
Energy Management System
ISO 50001 (EnMS)

ISO 20121
Sustainable Events
ISO 20121 Sustainable Events

ISO 14064 GHG
Quantifying & Reporting
ISO 14064 GHG Quantifying & Reporting

ISO 14068
Climate Change Management
ISO 14068 Climate Change Management

PAS 2060
Carbon Neutral
PAS 2060 Carbon Neutral

PAS 2080
Managing Carbon in Buildings & Infrastructure
PAS 2080 managing carbon in buildings & infrastructure

ISO 26000
Social & Environmental Accountability
ISO 26000 Social & Environmental Accountability

ISO 20400
Sustainable Procurement
ISO 20400 Sustainable Procurement

Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting (UK)
SECR Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting (UK)

Support & Compliance (UK)
ESOS Support & Compliance (UK)

ESG & CSR Support
Sustainability, ESG & CSR Support

PPN 06/21
The UK Government Procurement Policy
PPN 06/21 – The UK Government Procurement Policy

CBAM Support
Carbon Border Adjustment Scheme
CBAM Support Carbon Border Adjustment Scheme

Drone Technology in ISO Implementation & Carbon Solutions

Our team are driving the effective & efficient use of drone technology in carbon management and ISO within the environment, buildings & infrastructure. We deliver real time information right when its needed the most.

Carbon Catapult Knowledge Hub

We update our knowledge hub every month with new carbon insights

Scopes of Emissions
Scope 1, 2, 3 & the new emerging Scope 4

We have all heard of scopes of emissions, especially scope 1, 2 and 3, and the way in which they come together to give us an organization’s carbon footprint. Scopes allow us to see our performance in terms of different activities. The total for all scopes is our carbon emission. We need to be careful not to double account, particularly in Scope 3 for example, is a supplier already accounting for their own fuel use?

Carbon and Sustainability Support - Emissions Scope 1

Scope 1

Simply put, Scope 1 (direct emissions) emissions are those from activities owned or controlled by your organization. For example: fuel combustion, company vehicles, fugitive emissions, power generated on-site.

Carbon and Sustainability Support - Emissions Scope 2

Scope 2

Scope 2 (energy indirect) emissions are those released into the atmosphere that are associated with your consumption of purchased energy. For example: electricity, steam, heat, cooling purchased from an external source.

Carbon and Sustainability Support - Emissions Scope 3

Scope 3

Scope 3 (other indirect) emissions are a consequence of your actions that occur at sources you do not own or control and are not classed as Scope 2 emissions. For example: raw materials, third party distribution of goods.

Did you know about the new emerging scope 4?

Take a look below at our brief guide:

Scope 4

Scope 4 is a new voluntary metric for avoided emissions and provides a much more detailed and comprehensive insight into the impact of carbon emissions. Leading organizations are already adopting Scope 4 into their carbon management planning.

Scope 4 emissions are defined by “The World Resources Institute” as emission reductions that occur outside a product’s lifecycle or value chain but as a result of the use of that product. There are many benefits and much value to organizations and our Planet to consider the evolving Scope 4 and to taking account of the implications and reporting alongside Scope 3.

Our Carbon Catapult team are already supporting organizations Globally to navigate this emerging Scope and developing the strategies for accounting and carbon planning to encompass what this can deliver.

Mini Quizzes
New quizzes launched every month!

Our mini multiple choice quizzes help test your existing understanding on ISO requirements and related standards. These are short knowledge checkers. Are you ready to take the challenge?

We launch new quizzes each month using the Kahoot platform, selecting the link or following the QR code below on a computer or mobile phone will take you to the Kahoot platform. Using Kahoot as a business allows them to keep the software free for schools, a social ethic we have chosen to support through our use of Kahoot.

Mini Carbon Support and Sustainability Standards Quizzes New quizzes launched every month!

Looking for expert support?

If you need expert support with Scope 1, 2, 3 & 4, talk to our Carbon Catapult team today. We are leading the field in carbon management planning, GHG reporting & Net Zero strategies and accounting.

Ready to take the challenge?
Follow the QR Code or click to PLAY

Our mini multiple choice quizzes help test your existing understanding on carbon & sustainability requirements and related standards. These are short knowledge checkers.

Play the decarbonisation knowledge check quiz


Decarbonization knowledge check

Play the Net Zero knowledge check quiz


Net Zero knowledge check

Play the Carbon Catapult GHG Understanding quiz


GHG understanding

Carbon & Sustainability
Resource Hub

Resource support sessions for carbon and sustainability

Resource support sessions for carbon and sustainability
Each month we are launching resource support sessions for carbon and sustainability, helping to build confidence in knowledge across sectors in carbon, energy, environmental and sustainability. Each month will see a focus on our chosen topics which will help you to navigate the right carbon & sustainability pathways for your organization.

Sign up for our bite sized sessions today

And yes, you will be on live Teams sessions with a member of our Carbon Catapult team.

Session 1

NQA & Intu Veritas are talking all things sustainability. We will be giving an overview to some of the top carbon standards we work with such as ISO 14064-1, ISO 14068-1, PAS 2060, ISO 20121, ISO 26000, PAS 2080 and NQA will be explaining how the verification and certification process works and the support they can provide as a Globally recognised certification & verification body. There will be a 10 min Q&A session for you to ask any questions after the webinar too.

Friday 11th October @ 11am. Session Times 1hr, 15min

Session 2

What is Scope 1, 2, 3 and the new emerging Scope 4?
There will be a 10 min Q&A at the end of the session.

Friday 29th November @ 11am. Session Times 1hr, 15min

Session 3

Bite-sized overview to ISO 14068.
A new pathway to carbon neutrality. There will be a 10 min Q&A at the end of the session.

Friday 10th January (2025) @ 11am. Session Times 1hr, 15min

Did you know?

Net zero means reducing greenhouse gas emissions as much as possible, and removing any remaining emissions from the atmosphere. Greenhouse gas levels are still rising quickly and the world is “likely” to warm beyond 1.5C, according to the IPCC which will have catastrophic consequences.

We are already starting to witness:

  • Warming of our oceans.
  • Loss of 90%+ of our coral reefs.
  • Declines in Arctic Sea ice.
  • Loss of habitats & loss of species.
  • Extreme forest fires, flooding and more natural disasters.
  • Food chain affected.
  • Millions of humans not just other species may be exposed to climate-related risks and susceptible to poverty by 2050.

Looking for support?

If you are looking for the right carbon and sustainability support, let our team partner you on your journey. Together we can make a difference.

Barack Obama quote on Environmental, Energy, ISO & Carbon Support, 2014

We are the first generation to feel the impact of climate change and the last to be able to do anything about it.

Barack Obama, 2014

Environmental, Energy, ISO & Carbon Support

If you are looking for environmental, energy, ISO or carbon support get in touch with our team today, and let us partner you on your journey.